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What we do

PropertyFeeds manage property data for a growing number of businesses; estate agents, letting agents, large corporate agents, software companies, property portals, newspapers and app designers.

We have spent many years developing and integrating our software and feed system to an increasing number of property portals, software companies and websites, simplifying the whole feed process for everyone.


This depends on a number of factors, but fundamentally whether you can automatically send us your data or not.

If you can send us your property feed, then this is now just from £35 per branch*. From your logon you will be able to update your agent details and monitor and manage your website property feeds.

If you cannot automatically send us your property data, then you will need to upload your properties manually. This option is just £70 per branch, per month.

Single branch estate agent membership.
Automatic Uploads Manual Uploads
from £35* £70
Unlimited properties
Unlimited UK Portal Uploads (portal fees may apply)
Agent Profile Page
Easily manage Portal Uploads
Multiple user accounts
Edit Property Data
Local Property Analytics
Watermark your images to protect copyright
*Standard imports and exports only, subject to terms. Bespoke feeds may cost extra.


What feeds do you accept?

We accept a great variety of feeds. In fact, so far, there hasn't been a single feed type that we haven't accepted. The most common feed format is the Rightmove v3 feed format, but we can also take xml, csv and text files.

What if I don't have any software provider?

Don't worry, we have an online system where you can upload your properties and photos manually.

Can you scrape our data?

Sometimes. It isn't ideal and we prefer to get the data directly from you and your CRM. however, we understand that this isn't always possible due the financial handcuffs placed on us by some CRMs. In this case, we will try to scrape the data for you.

Can you send my properties to a portal which is NOT in your list?

Yes. Simply contact us with your request and we will add them for you.

How much does this cost?

Depending on whether you add your properties to our system manually or automatically send your feed to us, the price is either from £64.99+VAT or from £35

My software company uploads to portals so why do I need to use PropertyFeeds?

Not all software companies upload to all portals. This is often because the portals are too new, or the portals don't meet the software companies' requirements.We do.

Which Portals can I upload to?

The list of portals is changing all the time. Click here to see the list of active portals.

Can you send my data to my website?

Yes. There are a number of ways we can help with this. Please contact us and we will talk this through with you to get the best solution.
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